In Conversation: Jacque Rupp and Laura Noble

The Candid Frame Interview with Ibarionex Perello. Listen Here.

Daylight Books : Jacque Rupp : The Red Purse : A Story of Grief and Desire

All About Photo - THE RED PURSE A Story of Grief and Desire

Dodho Magazine - The Red Purse: Greif and Desire by Jacque Rupp

Lenscratch REVIEW SANTA FE - Jacque Rupp : The Red Pruse

Konbini - Mourning and its contradictory emotions depicted in poignant photos

SouthxSoutheast Photomagazine - Jacque Rupp | The Red Purse: A Story of Grief and Desire

All About

Jacque Rupp Profile

Jacque Rupp - Children of Santa Cruz

Robin Titchener - Art Photobook Reviews

Ofset Yapimevi ad featuring The Red Purse featured in Aperture Magazine.

Monterey Herald - Jacque Rupp Profile

Los Angeles Center of Photography - Photobook Roundtable Discussion